Second edition of the Lisbon International Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery, will take place this year between April and September, with the theme: “Political Jewellery. Jewels of Power” and the title Madrugada, inspired by a famous poem by Sophia de Melo Breyner (in English, Daybreak).
In April 2024, the 50th of April revolution will be celebrating 25 years. The values of democracy, freedom and equality, which were the driving force behind the regime change in Portugal, are once again threatened around the world. We are living in dark times in which political and religious extremism threatens not only democracies, but world peace. The celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April are a pivotal event in Portuguese life over the next two years, but they can also be a moment of reflection on the global context. Jewellery has always had a close connection with power. Whether monetary, spiritual or political power, jewellery was and is a symbolic representation of these manifestations – from popular gold, which collects savings or dowries in the form of jewellery, to the papal ring and coat of arms rings, decorations, tiaras and royal crowns. There is also, in contemporary jewellery, a body of work in which authors express positions, reflections and comments of a political nature on the most diverse subjects – questioning the financial system, problematizing racial issues, affirming feminist positions, denouncing massacres or making fun of excessive consumption, everything can be a theme for a piece of jewellery understood as an artistic manifestation. Freedom in art and the possibility of critical political expression will be two of the central themes for reflection. This will be the focus of the main exhibition of the II Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial, also titled "Madrugada", taking place at MUDE, between June and September 2024.
Alongside the exhibition there will also be an international colloquium on the theme, to be held in the auditorium of the Royal Treasury Museum, as well as two exhibitions in the same Museum: “Contemporary Tiaras” in dialogue with the Museum's collection and the project “Jewels for Democracy ” creating jewellery to honor women who played a significant role in the achievements of democracy in Portugal and other areas of the world.
The Biennial also invites Portuguese artist Teresa Milheiro, whose work establishes a relationship with the context, for a retrospective exhibition. Exhibitions that are tangential to the Biennial's programming will also be presented in various cultural spaces, exhibitions that will be subordinate to the general theme of the Biennial and included in the program, enriching the event.
Ar.Co's Jewelry Department, Cindor and Escola Artística António Arroio will develop projects with students on the Biennial's theme throughout the 2023-2024 academic year, presenting a sample of the results. This invitation will be extended to other international schools that will also take part of the Biennial. Masterclasses with renowned international artists and moments of debate, lectures and guided tours are also planned. The sharing of experiences from different generations of artists and with artists from countries that also have experience of democratic transitions will be privileged.
We believe that the opportunity for the Biennial to reflect on what will certainly be one of the great themes of Portuguese society at the end of 2024 should not be missed and we want to do so in a spirit of celebration, invoking the hope that “Madrugada” suggests, a hope that is so necessary in our dark days we live.
The Carnation Revolution is the founding moment of democracy and the modern, European country that we have become. It is also a symbol of transformation, utopia and celebration, for all who lived through this “clear dawn”. It is the date that we always revisit to think about the successes and failures of recent years, and which can continue to be invoked for the most current debates, whether about decolonization or new wars, real and political, at a time when the tension between democracy and authoritarianism is once again, perhaps more than ever, on the agenda and peace is once again threatened.
The 2nd Jewellery Biennial is, therefore, an event that will seek to reflect on the way in which jewellery expresses and represents politics and power... inspired by the historical moment we are living in 2024 and the importance of democracy and its rights.
Marta Costa Reis | General curation and artistic direction
Eugénia Quartin | Production, budget
Catarina Silva | Schools
Áurea Prague | Design (support)
Carlota Burnay | Communication
Carlota Brogueira | Digital media
Carlos Silva | Side events and Jewelery Room (with Isabella Perillo)
Sónia Brum | Volunteers
Patrícia Domingues | Colloquium and Madrugada Exhibition Curator
Monica Gaspar | Colloquium and Madrugada Exhibition Curator
Bear* | Educational Service
Studio Pluto | Graphic design
ATE – Accounting and Training | Accounting
Adriano Campos
Zélia Nobre Carré
Mariana Aires Mateus
Manuel Sebastian
João Costa Reis
CINDOR - Professional Training Center for the Goldsmithing and Watchmaking Industry
Joana Quadros
Founded in 2004, PIN emerged from the community of contemporary Portuguese jewellers who, for a long time, yearned for an association where they could create projects, develop exchanges and launch new platforms for a discipline that increasingly calls for encounters with other arts. Many of the people who dedicate their lives to jewellery, its study and teaching are present at PIN - Associação Portuguesa de Joalharia Contemporânea.
As a cultural association, PIN aims to promote contemporary jewellery, activating on a collective basis the exchange of information and experiences, the realization of theoretical and practical projects within the arts, with a special focus on jewellery.
PIN is concerned with promoting workshops, training actions and other pedagogical activities related to contemporary art and jewellery, with the organization of meetings, debates, seminars, artistic residencies, exhibitions and other cultural initiatives, national and international, of which, since 2021, the Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial stands out.
At the heart of what is the dissemination of its actions, PIN wants to establish new audiences for contemporary jewellery, and also wants to establish and promote partnerships and exchange projects, particularly through national and international cultural and artistic networks.
PIN MANAGEMENT: President—Marta Costa Reis / Secretary—Márcia Cirne / Treasurer—Eugénia Quartin / President of the General Assembly—Madalena Braz Teixeira